
Actions are methods are used to manipulate their respective Neuron state.


The set method is an action that by default is returned by the Neuron hook. It is the most common way to update state.

const usePokemon = neuron("Magikarp");

function Comp(){

  const [pokemon, pokemonActions] = usePokemon();

    <button onClick={() => pokemonActions.set("Gyarados")}>Update</button>

The set method also takes a predicate function that returns the previous state.

<button onClick={() => pokemonActions.set((prev) => `Shiny ${prev}`)}>

Custom Actions

New actions can also be added to a Neuron. These actions have direct access to the Neuron dispatch method and help keep state updates DRY.

The Payload state property is mutable, which helps simplify state updates.

const useCount = neuron(0, {
  actions: (dispatch) => {
    increment: () => dispatch((payload) => {
        payload.state = payload.prevState + 1
    decrement: () => dispatch((payload) => {
        payload.state = payload.prevState - 1

function Comp(){

  const [count, countActions] = useCount();

    <p>Pokedex: {Count}</p>
    <button onClick={() => countActions.increment()}>Increment</button>
    <button onClick={() => countActions.decrement()}>Decrement</button>

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