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Listen for State Changes

In Vanilla Neuron state is not reactive out of the box as is in JS frameworks/libraries like Svelte or React. It is up to the developer to make your state reactive. Neuron has a special method called onDispatch. This method runs every time the store is updated. It returns an updated payload object with state data every time it runs. You can run specific logic based on the payload key or other data.

Store.onDispatch((payload) => {
  if (payload.key === "pokemon") {
//name: Pikachu

Store.onDispatch((payload) => {
  if (payload.key === "trainer") {
//name: Ash Ketchum

The onDispatch method can be used to connect Neuron stores to native state solutions in other JS frameworks. It is the reason Neuron is an "agnostic" global state manager.

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